Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Hiding behind a name.

Insomnia has been smothering my nights of late. So I tour the fantastic net for anything to put me to sleep. Lately when on my twitter account, I've noticed there's people giving advise and talking about such things that should be spoken from people who are TRUE MASTERS. By reading and then posting them gives most the wrong idea. I take pride in my trade and respect all those who love it as well. Those who sit at a desk digging for other tradsemens articles on Information. While sipping coffee and bitting their nails,behind a big company logo. Sitting as fake professors giving advise from others wearing a company jacket. Acting like there higher then all because look at me i got all the fancy company websites and resources.. Lmao. Too bad all that was on them sites was all the same crap spread throughout the net. Same articals different name on top. So boring to me. Its rather insulting, How can such a big company put these individuals in these types of jobs without true mastered hands on skill. Must be the crap that flows is thick and because of logo people believe him. I registered on the site just to ask a question that was not to complicated considering it was " ask the expert". they responded with some stupid reply correcting my terminology with some technical BS that was completely irrelevant to my question. WTF. Expert eh?? I phased it like a true journeyman would. Black and white. Not some BS they read about in a technology artical. Give me a break me expert!!! I replied to his lack of knowledge in issue and to date no response, to a completely valid question that relates to a product i bought with their name on it. Effin pathetic it shameful. They have so many looking up them and they really aren't able to do it like masters or even experts. This sickens me. There's people who really could do great things in their positions because they would actually relate to people. Writing their OWN arrivals and helping those in need with information they know works not what's new on internet. I smelt the BS right off the bat. So i erased all i followed and started fresh with real people that are true. Not dummies hiding behind masks. I've got more tallent in my pinky them any of them jokers there. Too bad because the product sold is phenomenal.. It scars the company in my eyes. Blind leading the blind. i couldn't stand it. Sheesh v

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Welding trade needs to seriously train welders better, STOP GRINDING. KEEP WELD WHERE IT BELONGS. TRAINING A MUST!!!!

In the past years, I've noticed that the loud vibrating tool I can't stand is the welders #1 tool. REALLY?? Some welders when setting up the pull out 3 or 4 grinders REALLY?? THEY have a zip disc, 1/8 stone disc, 1/4 stone disc, a flap disc and not to mention a die grinder with a carbide. WOW!!! TO ME ITS A WASTE OF TIME. to them its normal. NORMAL?? The whole day all I hear is grinders screeching. NORMAL? ITS DEFINITELY NOT NORMAL!! That tool if used in a welding application means one thing you screwed up. So a rational mind would try to rectify the issue not continue screwing up. You think???? Think of all that time grinding is welding time loss. Not too mention they use more consumables because they weld a rod, then grind half of it out.NORMAL? ITS NOT THERE FAULT ENTIRELY THO. Everyone dose it. Some more then Others, I don't use any abrasives at all. I do use only on stainless a variable speed grinder with a super soft polishing pad and that's to get the darkness out otherwise I wouldn't to one.. Carbon steel, Its been at least 3-4 years since i ground anything. You say ya right. Lol. My method is quite simple, anyone can do it.....Wait.....wait..... Just lay each weld pass properly.Do it the way it's meant to be done, wow..complicated eh? Hahaha. There is more to it but that is the basic fundamentals of it.. Learn to set machine to right parameters, it sounds foolish but, that's what it is. Here's an example - your car just say requires high octane fuel to perform best, if you put it regular. Sure it works but poorly it shakes and sluggish not mention consumption. Same thing as not refining the welding skill by training basic fundamentals and logic. Just by complete understanding of what's really happening during the weld process alone will increase quality and quantity while decreasing the usage of that flippin grinder. my method i use on Everything i weld is foolproof. I've had at least 900-1000 xrays shoot over the past 4-5 years without a single repair or indication and i can pound out at least 3 to 1 over the average welder. LWPS. ITS HIGH PERFORMANCE WELDING and it works. When a welder works with me on a job for a few months. His skill level increases significantly when job is done. Confidence is higher so is his Pride. That's what i offer at NELSONS WELDING. Training in basic understanding in theory and LWPS WELD IMPLEMENTATION, THOSE WHO WANT TO BE GTEAT THRIVE. But you can only lead a horse to water. Please stop grinding. Just weld it. Don't grind it out. NORMAL!!! SHEEESH